
Chapter 4: Data Visualization

Making plots from the raw data is a powerful and somewhat underestimated tool that could give you a better understanding of what is going on in your data and some interesting insights. In this chapter we will look at the main plot types and how to create them in Python using Matplotlib and Seaborn packages.

1What can plots tell us, part 1

2What can plots tell us, part 2


4Check yourself

5How to create a meaningful plot

6Packages for data visualization

7Make your plots

8Exploratory data analysis

9Data viz hacking

10What went wrong here?

About this course

This free and interactive course is designed to guide you through the basics of Python programming. The course covers most of the topics to get you started, including the basics of programming, working with packages like NumPy or Pandas for data manipulation, making human-readable plots, and working with data in different formats.

About me

My name is Ruslan Klymentiev and my primary area of specialization is Data Science. I feel passionate about computational modeling, post-rock, and hiking.